Analogue Plus

Driving a startup’s strategic decision-making with real-time data

Key Results


Time Spent Manually Compiling Data


More Weekly Ad Optimization Insights


Budget Saved on Low Performing Campaigns

Analogue Plus
Tech, SMB
6+ Employees
Use Cases
Creative Intelligence Automated Monitoring

Analogue Plus
Tech, SMB
6+ Employees
Use Cases
Creative Intelligence Automated Monitoring


Analogue Plus is a startup that offers a device to helmet users to communicate and use audio services from their mobile device easily and safely. The device attaches to any helmet and transmits audio to the user's ears without headphones.

Incubated by Samsung C-Lab, Analogue Plus was founded in November 2016 with the goal of integrating cutting-edge software solutions into devices to make the connectivity between humans and their devices smarter, safer, and more seamless.


Maximizing Impact With a Startup Budget

As a startup company, Analogue Plus faced various challenges that threatened its growth. Limited marketing resources made it challenging to effectively reach their target audience, while the lack of insights hindered the development of effective campaigns.

Additionally, the company struggled to find timely control of its ad budget, which impacted its advertising efforts. As a result, it was crucial for Analogue Plus to have easy and fast access to information to continuously adapt their strategic direction and keep stakeholders informed of the effectiveness of each campaign's messaging, product-market fit, and value proposition.

With these challenges in mind, Analogue Plus was determined to find a solution that would help them optimize their advertising efforts and boost their growth.

Advertising is a fantastic way to test different go-to-market strategies. We needed a tool that would allow us to iterate, get a feel for what performs best, and extract insights in a risk-free environment.

M.ParkㅣCEO, Analogue Plus


A New Member on the Team

Analogue Plus found Adriel's software to be a game-changer in their digital marketing efforts. For less than the cost of an intern, Adriel provides various angles for ad optimization, including messaging, creative, and demographics.

With AdOptimize, the startup is now able to reallocate their ad budget with just a few clicks, allowing for timely and tight control of their resources. Adriel's automated performance tracking further provides peace of mind to all stakeholders, with an alarm system designed to continuously provide the team with real-time updates and alerts, allowing for quick decision-making.

Finally, Adriel's automated data imports from various sources enable Analogue Plus to access all their data in one centralized platform, saving the team time and energy that would otherwise be spent manually compiling information.

Adriel’s automations are a game-changer. With their dashboards in hand, everyone on my team finally gets to do what they were hired for: analyzing and planning for further growth.

M.Park CEO, Analogue Plus


Ensuring Optimal Resource Allocation

Adriel's impact on Analogue Plus has been profound and long-lasting. With 90% of their marketing team's time saved in compiling data, the startup's talent can now be utilized for higher-skilled jobs, such as ad optimization and strategy development.

Adriel has helped Analogue Plus find new opportunities for ad optimization every week, and their ad copies and messaging can now be consistently fine-tuned using Adriel's term performance analysis.

The quick removal of unoptimized ads also saves time and money. Adriel has become an integral part of the startup's experimentation process, allowing them to get fast, accurate data without any manual work and devise strategies accordingly.


Time Spent Manually Compiling Data


More Weekly Ad Optimization Insights


Budget Saved on Low Performing Campaigns

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